Cyber Demon - Winners

The winners of the #Cyber3Demon contest

That wasn't supposed to happen! by Taylor Keller
on 15 Apr 2016


#Cyber3Demon Dancing Solves Everything by Travis M
on 15 Apr 2016

Entry for the #Cyber3Demon contest. Sometimes dancing is the best thing to do! ‍

Teleporter + Neckbreaker by Erik Werner
on 16 Apr 2016

That's my funniest beta moment so far ‍

Three Glory Kills by Sven S
on 17 Apr 2016

#CYBER3DEMON I just killed a glory killer with a glory kill and got killed by glory kill ‍

#CYBERDEMON Demon Glory Kill - Darkness429 by Tim Havlock
on 16 Apr 2016 ‍

DOOM Beta Grenade Moment by Brady Weiss
on 18 Apr 2016

My entry for the #Cyber3Demon contest. Definitely my best DOOM Beta moment considering the gesture was an accident. ‍

To-DOOM list by Valeriy Goncharov
on 18 Apr 2016

To-DOOM list: 1. Grab Gauss Cannon right in front of the enemy. 2. Kill the enemy. 3. Find the Revenant. 4. Slay the Revenant. 5.... ‍

[DOOM Open Beta] Clutch Demon Glory Kill by Matthew Christian
on 19 Apr 2016 Saving the match at a crucial moment (check out the other team's score!)... ‍