Jonn-Idar Fjæra Designer

用户名: Jonn3k
I'm a seriously handicapped person with most movement gone. I have limited mobility left in my right hand and I use it for all it is worth. Together with sound and eye controlling of the computer I manage to do a little 3d designing.

3D printing might not be the best hobby for me you say? Yes, I ag
I'm a seriously handicapped person with most movement gone. I have limited mobility left in my right hand and I use it for all it is worth. Together with sound and eye controlling of the computer I manage to do a little 3d designing.

3D printing might not be the best hobby for me you say? Yes, I agree. But I do love it and with help from those around me I somewhat manage.

I got my first 3D printer back in 2013, and the intended use was to print out lifehacks and self-designed objects to make my life easier. Unfortunately the printer I got was too complex. It would be fine if I could tinker with it myself, but when you have to tinker with it by proxy, with a middleman holding the screwdriver, it was way to advanced. It quickly became a dust collector.

Now, autumn 2016, I got a new printer. The Prusa I3 MK2. I can finally print! The sad thing is my illness has progressed so far that my plans to print objects that can help me in my daily life is pretty much impossible. Nevertheless, I love 3D printing and designing, even though it is mostly figurines, toys and trinkets.
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