Jukka Seppänen Designer

用户名: kijai
3D Printing since: June 2015
I'm someone who always admired artists, but never managed to create anything of my own, not untill I discovered 3D printing.
The first time I held my own creation in my hand, I knew this was my thing, and it has been ever since. Designing and especially learning HOW, is a passion for me.

Almost al
I'm someone who always admired artists, but never managed to create anything of my own, not untill I discovered 3D printing.
The first time I held my own creation in my hand, I knew this was my thing, and it has been ever since. Designing and especially learning HOW, is a passion for me.

Almost all my models are made to learn something in the process, and that keeps me improving and branching out to new things. A major motivation also has been the community, who have encouraged and supported my efforts to a point I never dreamed possible!
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