Vipul Solanki Designer

用户名: vrsolanki
3D Printing since: June 2017
I am hobbyist for making 3D printable part which either regular usage for home or industry or toys and i has Zonestar P802QR2 printer and in term of CAD/CAM software i has learned Fusion 360 and love to use it as it respects users like mine and allows me to freely use it unlike others and i found al
I am hobbyist for making 3D printable part which either regular usage for home or industry or toys and i has Zonestar P802QR2 printer and in term of CAD/CAM software i has learned Fusion 360 and love to use it as it respects users like mine and allows me to freely use it unlike others and i found almost nil limitations till date for my startup of 3D printable objects.
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