Jon Fehr Designer

Nombre de usuario: Ziggey
Imprimiendo en 3D desde: February 2015
I'm 25 Years old I am married with one child. I live in northern WI. I currently am trying to get a new part of my business running. I have a Rostock Max v2 with a PEI sheet on the bed. I will be upgrading the power supply soon so the bed warms up quicker. I will be getting a diamond hotend for mult
I'm 25 Years old I am married with one child. I live in northern WI. I currently am trying to get a new part of my business running. I have a Rostock Max v2 with a PEI sheet on the bed. I will be upgrading the power supply soon so the bed warms up quicker. I will be getting a diamond hotend for multi-color printing in June.
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