Norbert Fekete Designer

Nom d'utilisateur: Hubberthus
3D Printing since: January 2014
Hello there! I am by profession a programmer, and became close to 3D modelling as a child, because my dream was then to make a cool game. :)

Since then 3D modelling became the biggest of all my hobbies, and even my job.

Other hobbies include some hardware stuff like electronics and mechanics. I'm
Hello there! I am by profession a programmer, and became close to 3D modelling as a child, because my dream was then to make a cool game. :)

Since then 3D modelling became the biggest of all my hobbies, and even my job.

Other hobbies include some hardware stuff like electronics and mechanics. I'm constantly trying to improve my 3D printer in both software and hardware aspects. Besides this I also print out some random stuff which I like.
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