Jiri Klich Designer

User Name: Supiluliumas
3D Printing since: March 2015
Hi, my name is Jiri and I am great fan of 3D printing. Now, I have sufficient experience with 3D printing and 3D modeling. I want to show to people my best projects. To complete these projects, I need to upgrade my printer and buy a lot of filaments. So here are 3D models for you. Please TIP ME and
Hi, my name is Jiri and I am great fan of 3D printing. Now, I have sufficient experience with 3D printing and 3D modeling. I want to show to people my best projects. To complete these projects, I need to upgrade my printer and buy a lot of filaments. So here are 3D models for you. Please TIP ME and you will support my projects. Thank you!
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