Daniel GM Designer

Username: Deltron
My name is Daniel and I'm from a city near Barcelona, Spain. I got involved in 3D print and design quite recently. It's my 3th year in an Audiovisuals degree and I've just started learning to use 3ds max. I did a vocational course in 3D printing and bought a Formbytes One, made by the spanish compan
My name is Daniel and I'm from a city near Barcelona, Spain. I got involved in 3D print and design quite recently. It's my 3th year in an Audiovisuals degree and I've just started learning to use 3ds max. I did a vocational course in 3D printing and bought a Formbytes One, made by the spanish company Formbytes. My hobbies are videogames and music. As a retro collector I am, I've lots of games with a lot of content I'd like to design for you to print. Have a nice day you all makers and designers.
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