MGpix Designer

Username: MGpix
My name is Marcello Ganzerli, born in 1985, for those who read, sorry for the long text and my english, based in Modena, Italy, if you are interested, open for commission.

Graduate surveyor and I started the CAD design just in time to understand (a couple of years later) that it was not my way. Tot
My name is Marcello Ganzerli, born in 1985, for those who read, sorry for the long text and my english, based in Modena, Italy, if you are interested, open for commission.

Graduate surveyor and I started the CAD design just in time to understand (a couple of years later) that it was not my way. Totally overwhelmed by the events that follow one another at the age of "maturity", I tried various work experiences of various genres and sectors, but my curiosity was increasingly turned towards advertising graphics. The beginning of the end :)

Several years have gone by since those first evenings in the room to try as an autodidact to understand just how to use eraser in Photoshop, the first curses and the desire to give it all up.
Looking around and seeing everyone safer and more capable of me, having the impression that everyone knew exactly where they were going. And I? Was it my way?

The work was not satisfactory, I felt I wanted to study graphics but I could carve out only a few hours in the evening before passing out on the keyboard. I would have liked to attend specific courses, to have had the opportunity to find this path beforehand in order to invest time better, but it did not happen. The only weapon available is personal motivation. So, slowly I started staking my way: I studied photography and post production, vector graphics, illustrations and mockups for websites, all of this out of working hours (8h a day 5 out of 7).
Browsing through the countless digital artists, I was impressed by the works of Timothy J. Reynolds. I tried to understand how he did his work because there was something wrong. Digital modeling. Love at first sight. Appeared as a bridge between all the years of graphic studies and the possible future applications still to be discovered.
My school was Youtube and after trying a couple of 3d software, I decided to get engaged with Blender for the infinity of tutorials on the web. (it was love at first sight, sometimes reciprocated).

2019. To date the school is not finished, the job always takes me several hours, but now it is a job that I like and it allows me to range in various sectors of graphics, the years of study begin to give some results.

Future: There will always be someone better, to whom to look with healthy constructive envy, as there will always be someone ready to point the finger to judge, but that's okay. If you are aware of who you are, your commitment and the time invested, you can always walk with your head held high.

Perhaps all these sacrifices will lead to nothing, but this is not the point of the discussion. I believe that when the starting approach is so different from all other study paths, that is, when you learn something for yourself, there are no limits. There must be no limits and there is no specific purpose, other than the very goal of learning. Without the stress of deliveries, without that study and exam anxiety or the psychological burden of failure, you are alone with yourself and the challenge is to learn to manage yourself and improve yourself if you want to get results.

Passion and curiosity have been the engine of everything for several years, I hope they are for many.

Feel free to participate. MG
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