P. MORRIS Designer

Username: SPLINTAP
3D Printing since: December 2017
Hi All,
I am new to the 3D designing and printing world, self-taught like a lot of people out there but have been creating and building my own ideas from various materials for many years now. These designs i'm putting out will be my first since starting in Dec 2017 so bear with me if they look a lit
Hi All,
I am new to the 3D designing and printing world, self-taught like a lot of people out there but have been creating and building my own ideas from various materials for many years now. These designs i'm putting out will be my first since starting in Dec 2017 so bear with me if they look a little rough. I have created all of them with the Flash Print programme that the Creator Pro Printer comes with and will be moving on to paint 3D and hopefully Fusion 360 in the future. I am a strong believer of designing objects that can be used for day to day life and once i have enough experience and funds will be able to design and create models too. Being self-taught i am always open to feedback and tips on how i can improve with my designs and software to use as there is only some much tutorials can teach you (not that i have done one yet), as life with two children and a full time job leaves little time for creative passions but, my drive to build my children a good life pushes me on. I would love to design and create for a living so if anyone wants to sponsor an education and career change.....

Happy designing
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